Innovation Talk 1
Mr. Kamaruzaman bin Semin currently holds a position as the teacher at Sekolah Kebangsaan Tanjong Gading, Tangkak Johor. Before that he The Senior Assistant of Co-curriculum in one of the Primary School of Johor State, while serves in The Malaysia Teachers Standard Development Unit at Teacher Professionalism Division of The Ministry of Education Malaysia. He holds a Certificate of Education (Science), and BESC (Hons.) from The Open University Malaysia. He has 21 years of immense teaching experience in primary schools, another 4 years in Inspectorate schools (Jemaah Nazir), and 1 year at the Teachers Professionalism Division. Possess a comprehensive knowledge and active in innovative programmes; robotics at the National and International level. He has been awarded as “Guru Inovatif Daerah Muar, Johor” and won Gold Medal awards and declared champion in The International Innovation Competition under the Educational and Teaching category; recognized and received the Asia Pacific Eco Award (APEA AWARD) along with an acknowledgement as The Environment Friendly Scientist from the Pertubuhan Konservasi Alam Malaysia (PERKAM) & Renjer Konservasi Alam Malaysia and the highest achievement is the first educator create teleschope call the T’Moons in amazing Malaysian Book of Record . Mentoring is not something he’s unfamiliar with. At present, he mentors the Muar and Tangkak District Robotic and Innovation Programme in few schools in Johor. In relation, his mentee has won a gold and silver medal at the international level of innovation competition and one of the mentee also represents Malaysia and held one of the best rank in the world of robotic competition. Further, he is also one of the assessor for the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Leadership Award National Level in 2017. Along with it, Mr. Kamaruzaman has been invited as a jury in few innovation competitions and being honoured by one of the senior lecturer from the university in Malaysia to share his passion and successfulness in a book published by the university. Email:[email protected] |
Inovasi Dalam Pendidikan Satu Keperluan Dalam Mendepani RI 4.0
Kualiti pendidikan abad ke 21 amat bergantung kepada keupayaan para pendidik khususnya untuk mengupayakan modal insan yang berpengetahuan, berkemahiran dan holistik untuk menghadapi cabaran abad ke 21. Murid-murid bukan sahaja perlu menguasai kemahiran 3M (Membaca, Menulis dan Mengira) tetapi juga perlu menonjolkan kemahiran 4K (Komunikasi, Kolaborasi, dan pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif). Melalui inovasi dalam pendidikan, keupayaan seseorang pendidik mampu mencungkil, melahirkan dan membentuk sahsiah murid yang unggul selain berinovatif serta kreatif seterusnya dapat memenuhi kualiti yang diperlukan negara dalam mendepani Revolusi Industri 4.0. Melalui pendekatan seperti Visualiti, Auditori dan Kinestatik (VAK) ianya amat diperlukan dalam pendiidikan terkini. Apabila seseorang pendidik menerapkan elemen tersebut di setiap inovasi yang dihasilkan, maka keupayaan murid terserlah dengan kualiti jawapan yang diperolehi dalam mana-mana ujian sama ada ujian formatif mahu pun sumatif selari dengan kenyataan PPPM 2013-2025. Pakar pendidikan di kebanyakan negara menyedari hakikat bahawa kanak-kanak memerlukan lebih daripada 3M setelah mereka menamatkan alam persekolahan. Dalam dunia globalisasi pada abad ke-21, keperluan untuk menghasilkan modal insan berkualiti tinggi menjadi semakin penting.
Innovation Talk 2
Dr. Choy Ker Woon obtained her BPT (Hons) at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 2008, where she was also a Dean Award recipient. She pursued her postgraduate study in Master of Medical Science (Anatomy) at UKM in 2013 and completed her PhD at University Malaya (UM) in 2018. Then, she worked as a lecturer in AIMST University and MAHSA University, majoring in teaching Anatomy for medical and health science courses. Currently, she is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). She is also a treasurer of Malaysian Anatomical Association, assistant chief editor of Malaysian Physiotherapy Journal and committee member of Academic International Dialogue. Her major research interests lie in the area of metabolic disease, natural product and anatomy. Her research have been published in high impact ISI-indexed journals. She has been awarded Young Investigator Award (2019), Young Scientist Award (2018) and Young Investigator Award (2016) nationally and internationally. In 2021, she was awarded with Top UiTM Authors 2021 Publication (scopus/WOS) as corresponding authors and was a recipient for Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang. She had won various Gold innovation awards various in International Innovation Competition. Besides, she had several special award in innovation competition such as Double Gold in International Science and Social Science Innovation Competition (2021), Special Award winner in Malaysia Teknologi EXPO 2022 and Double Gold winner in International Innovation Competition (INNOCOM III) 2022. In addition, she won multiple Best Oral Presentation Award in various international and national conferences. In Three Minutes Thesis Competition, she has been awarded as a champion at the Faculty Level, 2nd Runner up winner at the University Level and 2nd Runner up at the National Level in 2018. She was also the semi-finalist in Famelab International competition in 2018. Dr Choy Ker Woon’s portfolio is available at: |
Winning Innovation Competition: The Judge’s Perspective
Innovation competitions have become an important platform for identifying groundbreaking ideas and fostering creativity. Besides having a creative innovation idea, an attractive pitching and delivery of idea by the participants determine the success of the projects. This sharing session which entitled “Winning Innovation Competition: The Judge’s Perspective” offers insights into the judging process, including strategies for evaluating submissions and key criteria for selecting winning ideas. The session will also discuss the main criteria which is crucial to be included during the pitching of ideas by the participants and offers tips on how to navigate these criteria effectively. By providing a glimpse of winning the innovation competition through the lens of the judge, this session offers valuable insights for participants to prepare and perform their best at their level.